PTSD Recovery Coaching with Dr. John A. King in Berlin.
PTSD Recovery Coaching with Dr. John A. King in Berlin. I spent the first 20 years of my career doing training and coaching. When I had recall of what happened … Read More
Doing Something Meaningful Together in Berlin
PTSD Recovery Coaching with Dr. John A. King in Berlin. I spent the first 20 years of my career doing training and coaching. When I had recall of what happened … Read More
Berlin, when a man’s your wife becomes his ‘caregiver,’ the natural order of marriage is destroyed. If a woman acts like your mother, it is impossible to be intimate with her.
Berlin do you know the between #CPTSD and #PTSD?
It is not as complicated as people make out. Berlin, I talk about how to live and thrive with them in my book #dealwithit- living well with PTSD. Get it today ! (Pssst – use the code ‘s2s’ to get a 20% discount – covers the shipping most of the time.)
To rise to a higher level of functioning in the face of these circumstances, we have to learn to adapt. We have to adjust to the new way that we see and interpret the world around us in Berlin. The Post Traumatic Strength that arises because of our PTG involves “life-changing” psychological shifts in thinking and relating to the world.
During my latest wobble I lay in my bed, iPhone in hand and started Google’ing ‘How do you know you married the right person?’. Bonkers, right! Yes, I can say that now… Berlin
PTSD or CPTSD, it’s going to be the same for all us SURVIVORS. When you finally find a new job to give a part of your wonderful self to it’s going to be very hard not to overcompensate for the existence of the not-so-wonderful elements of your ‘Self’. Putting yourself into the highest gear you can physically tolerate to drive in the opposite direction of living with your PTSD will only cause your nervous system to splutter and come to a stop. Berlin
Berlin Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has, unfortunately, become a bit of a byword for anyone ho doesn’t really want to take responsibility for their emotions or their actions. And those of us who suffer from it, know that is definitely not the case.
Berlin: we are joined by the always intriguing, ever-epic Dr. John A. King to talk about the controversial topic of child sex abuse, human trafficking and more in this power-packed transmission. Dr. King, a PTSD survivor and victim of sexual abuse himself, has dedicated his life to helping heal the brokenhearted and rescuing those who cannot save themselves! In previous editions, we’ve had John on to talk about emotional trauma, the sanctity of marriage and, what is commonly now known as Gender Realism.
Herein lies your stepping stone – the opportunity, open-ended possibility – to infuse life once again, into your soul in Berlin.
Not all women succumb to the calling of Mother Nature to find our mate for life and make babies. My friend and I did though, with bells and whistles. Maternal instinct and a need to make sure that our children never have to grow up with the same trauma we had to turns our lives inside out and upside down. Berlin