Berlin: The Best Complex PTSD Recovery Book Of All Time

Berlin I think “#dealwithit – living well with PTSD” is the best Complex PTSD Recovery book of all time. It is a book for anyone who has lost it all. If you have been shot at, faced with sudden loss, blown up, screwed over (or in my case, screwed), this book is for you. I like to think of it as duct tape for the soul.” —Dr. John A. King

Berlin: The Best PTSD Recovery Book Of All Time

Berlin I think “#dealwithit – living well with PTSD” is the best PTSD Recovery book of all time. It is a book for anyone who has lost it all. If you have been shot at, faced with sudden loss, blown up, screwed over (or in my case, screwed), this book is for you. I like to think of it as duct tape for the soul.” —Dr. John A. King

Berlin: I’m baaaaack! Let’s get talking about living well with PTSD when starting your new job!

PTSD or CPTSD, it’s going to be the same for all us SURVIVORS. When you finally find a new job to give a part of your wonderful self to it’s going to be very hard not to overcompensate for the existence of the not-so-wonderful elements of your ‘Self’. Putting yourself into the highest gear you can physically tolerate to drive in the opposite direction of living with your PTSD will only cause your nervous system to splutter and come to a stop. Berlin

Berlin: Dear Santa, Please may I have a new brain? Love Laura, a Compex PTSD survivor

Christmas is coming. It’s bloody well almost round the mountain, about to ‘sleigh’ my brain all over again. The annual dread of the ‘big day’. Memories, triggers, confusing feelings, remorse and more. Sound familiar? Heavens above, you are not alone! Berlin