How Do People Berlin Deal With PTSD Triggers
In our book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, my wife Melissa talks about what she does to help me when various things trigger me, basically, how do people in Berlin deal With PTSD Triggers.
Doing Something Meaningful Together in Berlin
In our book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, my wife Melissa talks about what she does to help me when various things trigger me, basically, how do people in Berlin deal With PTSD Triggers.
PTSD Affects More Than Just Veterans In The United States.
The truth is we have to allow our brothers and sisters who are dealing with the effects of traumatic stress to get it off their shoulders. If we want to prevent issues we must become our brother’s keepers in a sense. Something as simple as a platform to speak freely goes a long way when it comes to preventing the very worst-case scenarios associated with traumatic stress. The truth is our military and law enforcement professionals are not the only ones dealing with traumatic stress in its various forms. Until the truth of this matter is made known a false narrative will be the voice of authority for this concern.
Berlin: I think “#dealwithit – living well with PTSD” is a book for anyone who has lost it all. If you have been shot at, faced with sudden loss, blown up, screwed over (or in my case, screwed), this book is for you. I like to think of it as duct tape for the soul.” —Dr. John A. King
Berlin, somedays the only thing you can do is the best thing you can do…just breathe.